IMDb Top 250 movies

Fight Club 1999

Fight Club 1999

American Beauty 1999

American Beauty 1999

The Sixth Sense 1999

The Sixth Sense 1999

The Matrix 1999

The Matrix 1999

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998

Saving Private Ryan 1998

Saving Private Ryan 1998

American History X 1998

American History X 1998

The Truman Show 1998

The Truman Show 1998

The Big Lebowski 1998

The Big Lebowski 1998

Life Is Beautiful 1997

Life Is Beautiful 1997

Good Will Hunting 1997

Good Will Hunting 1997

L.A. Confidential 1997

L.A. Confidential 1997

Children of Heaven 1997

Children of Heaven 1997

Princess Mononoke 1997

Princess Mononoke 1997

Fargo 1996

Fargo 1996

Trainspotting 1996

Trainspotting 1996

Heat 1995

Heat 1995

Casino 1995

Casino 1995

Toy Story 1995

Toy Story 1995

Se7en 1995

Se7en 1995

The Usual Suspects 1995

The Usual Suspects 1995

La Haine 1995

La Haine 1995

Braveheart 1995

Braveheart 1995

Before Sunrise 1995

Before Sunrise 1995

The Shawshank Redemption 1994

The Shawshank Redemption 1994

Léon: The Professional 1994

Léon: The Professional 1994

Pulp Fiction 1994

Pulp Fiction 1994

The Lion King 1994

The Lion King 1994

Forrest Gump 1994

Forrest Gump 1994

Schindler’s List 1993

Schindler’s List 1993

In the Name of the Father 1993

In the Name of the Father 1993

Jurassic Park 1993

Jurassic Park 1993

Groundhog Day 1993

Groundhog Day 1993

Aladdin 1992

Aladdin 1992